We Make Data Disappear

As a certified data destruction service provider, we are fully equipped to handle your most sensitive data destruction needs. And as you know, data security is no longer just about hard drives. With the internet of things (IoT), an increasing number of devices hold sensitive information and interact with the cloud.

All our certified data destruction service processes conform with the NIST SP 800-88-R1 Guidelines for Media Sanitization . For example, our default wiping methodology is a single overwrite pass with a 100% verification pass. However, if you desire three-pass or seven-pass wipes, we can certainly accommodate that upon request.

We can help you get rid of data - for good.

All you have to do is make three decisions →

Homeboy Electronics Recycling Data Destruction Service

What is the Department of Defense Standard?

We get this question a lot. The short answer is that there isn’t a DoD wipe standard! Usually, people are referring to an outdated method of data sanitization using three overwriting passes that was referenced in a 1995 supplement to the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM). After 2006, the NISPOM manual (a.k.a. DoD 5220.22-M) no longer specified any overwriting pattern. Instead, the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-88 Guidelines for Media Sanitization (last revised in 2012) is now cited by most regulations and certification programs as the standard.

there is no DOD standard



Where data is destroyed

Onsite (your facility)
Watch us shred your drives before they leave your control

Offsite (our facility)
Drives are transported in secure vehicles and/or locking containers


How data is destroyed

Overwriting (“Wiping”)
Includes a 100% verification pass. Allows the drive to be reused.

Physically destroys drive, typically to a width of 1.5” (HDDs) ⅜” (SSDs)

Removes data from magnetic media. Renders hard drives inoperable.


What evidence is retained

Standard Certificate of Recycling
Includes total weight and type of equipment recycled

Serialized Certificate of Data Destruction
Includes serial number and/or make/model information for each device

Homeboy Electronics Recycling:Homeboy Electronics Recycling: R2 Responsible Recycling CertifiedHomeboy Electronics Recycling: ISO-14001 CertifiedHomeboy Electronics Recycling: ISO-18001 CertifiedHomeboy Electronics Recycling: ISO-18001 CertifiedHomeboy Electronics Recycling: ISO-18001 Certified