Supporting Those That Provide Care

Over the years, Homeboy Electronics Recycling has gained extensive experience working with hospitals, clinics, insurers, and other healthcare organizations. As a result, we have come to know the requirements of HIPAA and related Business Associate Agreements, inside and out. When it comes to proper healthcare electronics recycling, we’re the best in the business.

The HIPAA Security Rule requires appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to ensure the confidentiality of electronic protected health information (ePHI). You can find this on computers, copiers, mobile devices, and other equipment. During electronics disposal of medical IT assets, the data destruction methods we employ are a physical safeguard addressing the requirements of 45 CFR 164.310(d)(2)(i) and (ii).

Our healthcare clients often choose onsite hard drive shredding, with a Serialized Certificate of Data Destruction , ensuring the destruction of ePHI before leaving their property. Networks of small clinics may find our mailback kits to be a convenient and cost-effective solution that they can roll out consistently.

We can recycle a wide variety of medical equipment, as long as it is not hazardous waste or a biohazard. We also buy x-ray film for commodity recovery.

Request our ITAD or electronics recycling service for your healthcare location to learn more.



We perform ITAD services for a $20B+ healthcare company with facilities all over the country. Our project managers travel to each location to asset tag and inventory all equipment - typically 250 to 1,000 devices at a time. While there, we remove and shred all hard drives, matching their serial number to that of their parent device. After reconciling the inventory with the client, we ship the assets back to our processing facility. Upon receipt, we refurbish and remarket as many of the assets as possible, sharing the proceeds back with the client. These rebates often exceed all applicable service charges.

Homeboy Electronics Recycling:Homeboy Electronics Recycling: R2 Responsible Recycling CertifiedHomeboy Electronics Recycling: ISO-14001 CertifiedHomeboy Electronics Recycling: ISO-18001 CertifiedHomeboy Electronics Recycling: ISO-18001 CertifiedHomeboy Electronics Recycling: ISO-18001 Certified